Data stewardship and solutions for life sciences. We develop data and information solutions for academic and commercial research. We are experts in designing, collecting, organising and presenting data and offer a unique combination of technical and scientific expertise to build data management solutions that don’t compromise on project requirements.

We have been added as a new partner to the Horizon 2020 project NanoCommons building a nano-knowledge infrastructure to strengthen community outreach in the form of demonstration cases and provide tools for improving data quality and completeness.

We are strengthening innovative research by promoting cooperation and creating synergies in Health & Safety, Data & Sustainability and Enabling Technologies as member of the BioNanoNet Association.

We provide our expertise in knowledge management and platform design to the nanoinformatics project NanoSolveIT.

NanoPAT added us to their scientific advisory board to help explore new data management solutions for online real-time characterisation solutions for nanoparticle production processes.

In the WorldFAIR project we are working to advance implementation of the FAIR principles and, in particular, to improve interoperability and reusability of digital research objects, including data.
The WorldFAIR project started on 1 June 2022 to advance community-wide and cross-disciplinary implementation of the FAIR principle. 7P9 is one of the partners representing the nanomaterial case study building on the learnings from the NanoCommons project.
We had the opportunity to present our visions for high-quality data management and sharing at the 2020 U.S.-EU NanoEHS COR Workshop: Bridging Insights and Perspectives (keynote lecture: Working Towards a Harmonized Nanosafety E-Infrastructure for Data and In Silico Tools) and the 2021 Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting as part of the Regulatory Learnings from the EU Flagship Non-animal Toxicology Project EU-ToxRisk session (title: Implementation of a Knowledge Infrastructure: High-Quality Sharing of Data, Test Methods, Results, and Knowledge). Additional presentations will be given at the Slovenian Society of Toxicology conference SloTox (17.6.2021) and the World Congress in Maastricht (23.8.-2.9.2021).
An amendment and the contracts with the European Commission were signed adding 7P9 as a new partner to the NanoCommons consortium. We are proud to be part of this project and to lead the work package on demonstration case studies evaluating the features of the NanoCommons infrastructure including feedback from all stakeholders from the nanosafety community.
7P9 contributed as main authors to two scientific papers addressing important issues in nanosafety data management. In the first, “Metadata Stewardship in Nanosafety Research: Community-Driven Organisation of Metadata Schemas to Support FAIR Nanoscience Data”, describes how data management practices have to be changed to become an effort of all shareholders from data producers to data curators and managers to finally data users. The second, “Can an InChI for Nano Address the Need for a Simplified Representation of Complex Nanomaterials across Experimental and Nanoinformatics Studies?”, has the goal to establish a standard way to represent nanomaterials in the form of a line notation encoding important properties like constitution, shape and size.
7P9 Slovenia was established first with 7P9 Germany following 8 months later.